Celebrity Buzz

Lady Zamar Speaks On Past Relationships

A couple of weeks ago, Lady Zamar confirmed that she was in a relationship with Sjava and up until that point, there was a lot we did not know about the singer’s love life.

The star was thrust into the spotlight several years ago, and her talent has solidified her as a household name with legions of fans. Lady Zamar recently took to Twitter to announce that she’s about to release a new project that will reveal more information about her past relationships. Take a look at the tweets below:

In a past interview with Tshisalive, her ex, Sjava opened up about how he believes that being famous puts a strain on your personal life and many people think he was talking about his famous ex.

“Yes, I was thinking about it (marriage) but now because of this fame thing, there’s now a lot of things to consider. It (fame) has caused a lot of problems between me and my partner. For example, if I say, ‘guys I can’t come for the interview because I promised my girl a date’, you guys will be angry and think I’m unprofessional.”

Source: ZAlebs


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