Celebrity Buzz

Another Break In For Masechaba Ndlovu

One break-in is enough to drive a person to a permanent state of paranoia, how much more when it is two or more? Especially within a period of a few months since the occurance of the first break-in.

Media personality, Masechaba Ndlovu took to social media to explain that her neighbourhood is a crime hot spot, as her home was broken into on the same day as the recent break-in about three months ago.

According to Sunday Sun, this time around the burglars helped themselves to a plasma TV, whilst Masechaba, her nanny and son were out hiding in the bushes inside the property.

“My house was broken into (again) at 4am this morning. Seemingly different robbers. Different door. Different modus operandi. This time we managed to escape through a bedroom window and hid in the bushes inside the property until back up arrived. Besides a small injury to my toe, I’m just grateful that no one was harmed. ”

Thankfully Masechaba’s nanny is quite savvy. She quickly hit the panic button upon hearing the burglars in the lounge.

Upon contact with the media personality, the publication established that she has since opened a case but wasn’t willing to discuss the matter further.

“I really don’t want to comment on this issue. I have opened a case. What happened is not unique to me.”

Around July 2019, the same ordeal befell Masechaba and her family when they were held at gunpoint by unknown men.

Burglars slid through the windows and helped themselves to various items including TVs and a car which was later found at Alexander.

– ZAlebs


I'm a down to earth entertainment blogger, posting content whenever possible.
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