Celebrity Buzz

Sad News For Dineo Ranaka

The SAFTAS went ahead, as late as that may be, despite seemingly worrying delays by the host going through the most… Dineo Ranaka.

Initially scheduled for 5pm, they had to be pushed back because of… as Dineo Ranaka eloquently put, due to unforeseen circumstances.

Dineo seemed to not be handling the whole situation well and took to her Instagram to vent her frustrations and fans were quick to point it out in concern for her mental well-being.


Some nominees like Wiseman Ncube saw an opportunity to make light of the situation.

Despite all the drama, the industry veteran managed to pull it off and the winners were eventually announced close to midnight.

She show will always go on, well done Dini.

– ZAlebs


I'm a down to earth entertainment blogger, posting content whenever possible.
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