Celebrity Buzz

Mome Promises To Leave Tol Ass Mo If Found Guilty Of Rape

Tol Ass Mo is feeling the heat as #IBelieveLeratoMoloi gains momentum on social media.

Following a social media uproar over an interview with Tol Ass Mo on BET Africa’s Behind The Story, Mome Mahlangu was irked and felt the need to break her silence on the issue.

In a post on Instagram, she made it clear that she stands behind her husband, and Mome clarified that their silence is not an admission of guilt but “choice to respect the law.”

Under the comments section, many people made it clear that they stand behind model Lerato Moloi who accuses Tol Ass Mo of r_ping her a few years ago.

Making it clear that she does not have a problem with people who believe Lerato Moloi, she does not want to crucify her husband until the courts proves he did indeed s_xually assault Lerato.

When asked if she will continue standing behind her husband should he be found guilty she simply said she will “she will definitely leave.”

BET Africa had announced that they will no longer show the interview because the subject is facing r_pe allegations.


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