Celebrity Buzz

Oscar Pistorius Is Seeking Forgiveness From Reeva’s Family

Double amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius, might be serving his sentence for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp, but he is also apparently seeking forgiveness from her family.

According to The Sun, a close friend of him, Bill Schroder told the publication that he wants the family to forgive for murdering their daughter, and he is now a changed man.

“What he really, really wants is forgiveness. I said to him that if he had killed my daughter I doubt I would forgive him.” “He is more concerned about forgiveness than actually getting out on parole. I fact, he has a real fear about getting parole as he knows there will be a backlash,” he said

Bill told the publication that Oscar has now turned to God. Oscar was sentenced to 13 years and five months in 2016 for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp.

The Paralympic gold medalist was initially sentenced to six years but the Supreme Court of Appeal overturned his sentence.

Reeva was murdered on Valentine’s Day in 2013 and during the trial, Oscar maintained that he mistook her for an intruder when he shot her through a bathroom door.

“I believed that someone had entered my house. I was too scared to switch a light on. I grabbed my 9mm pistol from underneath my bed. On my way to the bathroom, I screamed words to the effect for him/them to get out of my house and for Reeva to phone the police. It was pitch dark in the bedroom and I thought Reeva was in bed.”

During the trial, Oscar said when he fired shots he thought Reeva was in bed sleeping.

“I fired shots at the toilet door and shouted to Reeva to phone the police. She did not respond and I moved backward out of the bathroom, keeping my eyes on the bathroom entrance. Everything was pitch dark in the bedroom and I was still too scared to switch on a light. Reeva was not responding.”


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