Celebrity Buzz

Lasizwe Confuses Fans After Showing Off New Love

Thulasizwe Lasizwe Dambuza needs no introduction in the south african social media streets and the south african entertainment industry. He is well know for his YouTube comedy videos and besides that he used to host at one of south Africa’s biggest channel’s.

Lasizwe is one of the south african celebrities who are openly gay and seem to be proud of it. for years lasizwe has always preached that people should accept homo sexual realationships and must not discriminate those who are in those realationships. they are also human and they have rights to be in romantic realationships with whoever they want.

so what happened last night is that lasizwe posted a picture of him carrying a certain girl and captioned it ( Just us you said yes to us #luckiest Guy in the world ) that picture left many fans surprised beacause most of them are now assuming that he switched sides he is no longer gay.

see what some followers said.


i personally think that the public should just stop assuming and wait for him to come out and clarify what is happening between him and the lady he recently appeared in a picture with.

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