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Mampintsha’s Sister Slams Babes Wodumo

Babes Wodumo is always the subject of negative attention and rumors. Pinki Gumede, the late Mampintsha’s sister, recently informed Daily Sun that her mother, Zama Gumede, was deteriorating due to Babes Wodumo’s actions after the burial of her husband.

The late Shimora’s mother ZamaNguni Gumede passed away on Sunday, 15 January 2023 at the Wentworth Hospital at the age of 64. News of her death sent shockwaves because she passed on 3 weeks after burying her son. When he left, her condition got bad to the point where she could not even walk. According to Pinki, seeing the videos of Babes partying and performing on stage made things worse for her.

“What complicated things were the videos she kept posting on social media sometimes even insulting the family. My mother saw all of that and it worsened her condition. I feel she died with a broken heart. But she’s at peace now,” Pinki told the publication.

Despite burying the hatchet and making amends at Shimora’s funeral, Zama did not approve of Babes ways as she did not mourn Shimora the right way. Babes asked that they bury the hatchet once and for all.

“I want to forgive you for all your sins because I am a child of a pastor, and I am saved. I forgive you. May whatever dispute end today,” Babes said at the funeral.

However, Pinky said Babes never visited Zama at the hospital. “Despite making peace with MaGumede at Mpintsho’s funeral she never visited her in hospital and she never phoned her. She has not contacted us and we’ve never contacted her,” she said.

Perhaps the reason for this is because Babes’ sister told Zimoja that the Gumede’s never told them that Zama was hospitalised, leading her to believe that the reports are fake.

“If she was really sick, Pinky would call us and tell the family. Why has no one phoned us?” Nondumiso Simelane tells Zimoja. “Pinky has a big problem. She is the evil sister-in-law that nobody wants. She wanted to choose a wife for Mandla and when that didn’t happen, she made sure she made life difficult for everyone. Babes even tried to make peace with the mother-in-law, but Pinky got in the way of that. Babes sent groceries during the funeral arrangements, but she is still ungrateful. She is going around telling people we received Mandla’s life cover, but we didn’t. She is evil.”

Zama expressed disappointment at how Babes mourned her son, “One; no offence, I love Babes, she and I reunited and made peace at the funeral, but this is not how things are done” said Gumede to Zimoja

“Firstly, she is not at home, she is gallivanting in the streets, drinking and partying. Two, she is not wearing traditional mourning clothes. The daughter of a pastor is not following the rules. She is doing things her own way” added Zamanguni Gumede

“I am not a very traditional person myself, and I understand people heal differently and deal with grief in their own way, but this is not right. This is painful to watch. She is disrespecting my son in a way” she said.




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