Celebrity Buzz

Nobuhle Mahlasela & Scandal’s Mvelo Makhanya Speak Out On Being Bullied

Celebs, including 7de Laan actress Nobuhle Mimi Mahlasela and Scandal! star Mvelo Makhanya, have warned about the impact harsh words can have on people, and called for an end to cyberbullying.

Taking to Instagram this week, Nobuhle said she had watched how people had picked on another Instagram and reactions to a post she shared of herself.

She said that people felt the need to make horrible comments and fat shame, and it was not on.

“It is unnecessary guys. It is so unnecessary. No, don’t do that it. It is not right,” she said.

She added that often it was women who were the ones being mean.

“We are supposed to be standing together and supporting each other and loving each other. Yet, all the negativity and bad vibes are coming from other females.”

She said that being a public figure does not mean that she should be a target for abuse.

“Don’t be a mean girl. Stop cyberbullying. Stop body-shaming,” she added.

Mvelo added that people were often projecting hate so that others could be as miserable as them.

“People on here love projecting their hate and negative energy because they want us to be as miserable as they are,” she wrote.

Presenter K Naomi also weighed in on Twitter, saying there seems to be a rise in people being horrible online during the lockdown.

“People are soooooo horrible right now on social media. It’s heartbreaking. I understand we are going through a tough time but what a lot of you aren’t realising is that you are ruining people’s lives and spirits,” she wrote, adding that the only thing we need right now is positive vibes.”

– TimesLIVE


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