
Tumi Seeco who made Ladies twerk on Insta Live accused of r_ping Grade 10 girl

. The fitness trainer and celebrity has become the topic of conversations in South Africa as he is being accused of raping a Grade 10 woman.

Here is the story making rounds on social media as a narration of the r_pe case involving Tumi.

“I’m sending this on behalf lend as she feels that she cannot send it herself after typing it. Hi im sending this as an anonymous as I had previously dealt this emotional experience, but I feel the need my story as others have been affected by the actor Tumi Seeco. I was r_ped by Tumi Seeco at a party which I was with my friends in Bryanston) – it may have been a Pop Bottles event at a house party. We were drinking at the time. I was in Grade 10. I had previously known Tumi – for about a year used to go out and occasionally.

But we have never been in the same chill occasionally but we have never been in the same environment alone there were always people around. After we all went home together (his friend’s home) as i felt safe around him. As I mentioned, we were good friends. We got to the house a little more to drink – inebriated. My friend Pabi went to bed. Then shortly after fell asleep on the I then sought to find a vacant bedroom to sleep in.

I closed the door and lock it. Got into bed fully clothed. The lamp was still on. I could vaguely him entering the room, opening the blankets and getting into the bed with me. The was on top of me and PENETRATING ME. I was crying and begging him to stop. He NEVER STOPPED. He was bigger than me and of that I had no strength to remove him. HIS WAS ON ME AND I AT I WAS SUFFOCATING. With my crying off the lamp to try to shut me up and Tumi just carried on raping me until he was satisfied with my body. The I pulled my friend but she didn’t believe me. It did not make sense to her she did not hear not did she think he would do such and with her reaction I was silenced forever.”


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