
Meet The Lady Who Is Married To HIV And ARV’s And She’s Proud

This lady here is Siphila Ngomuso who posted on facebook on a group named Ladies House announcing that she got married to HIV and ARV’s and she’s a very proud woman about her status. She said she have been living with HIV for 24 years and ARV’s for 14 years so she decided to just get married to it.

See there is even a certificate indicating that she is getting married to it. And it’s very rare for a person to announce her status but because she’s a proud woman she did it. And it brings so much happiness that even her family supports her on this decision she took. You would say she was getting married to a man but no she’s getting married to her status.

See the family is celebrating with her and shows her support. They are a happy family with lots of love and support. Such families are very rare so she’s lucky she have such family.

Just look how happy she is. All happiness is written on her face. And pray that she stays happy always. Having HIV doesn’t mean it’s the end of your world. So embrace your status people and be proud of it.


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