
King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo asked all his children to take DNA tests

AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo has asked all his children, including Acting King Azenathi Dalindyebo, to undergo DNA tests to prove that they are indeed his biological children.

The AbaThembu King has been on Acting King Azenathi Dalindyebo’s case putting him pressure into taking DNA tests to prove that he is indeed the King’s biological son.

Dalindyebo has reportedly disowned Azenathi until he undergoes the test and has also requested Azenathi to vacate the Bumbane Great Place.

“The King has decided earlier this year, to conduct a DNA tests that will involve all his children not only Azenathi. While he was still persuading [him] he got some tip off from someone that has some information that seems to be very detailed which proved what some of [the] suspicions that king had about his son. He was convinced that he is not his son but he has now said that if he wants to further verify this, Azenathi can go for a DNA test but there’s never been good cooperation from his [Azenathi’s] side,” explains Ngonyama.

King Zwelibanzi Dalindyebo was released from parole last year after spending four years at East London Correctional Facilities. He was arrested again after attacking his wife and Azenathi with knifes and axes.

At around 3 am, Dalindyebo descended at the Bumbane Great Place and managed to break the window of the house and people started waking up and they realized he was looking for the acting king Azenathi.

Azenathi jumped off the window and was chased by the king. He started rain sacking the king’s room

Twitter reacts to King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo requests for all his children to take DNA tests.

Ngyavuma Mthiya, DNA tests should be standard at birth. Birth certificate must not be issued without DNA test. Unless if the father is unknown or other unusual cases.

He has the right to do so. This will help him to have a strong and unquestionable succession plan. In most families when the father dies and one if this children has to take over we hear a lot of stories so this will stop that.

Who cannot believe the whole King ? We must honour his request.

I thought of laughing, but this is serious and they must respect him. We have succumb to this norm that man’s rights are lesser or not important at all It is within his own right to demand such.

Many men are raising children that they don’t know aren’t theirs. All of us men should do this.

Grown up children undergoing DNA tests,why now? Smoking dagga after a sobering prison spell is no good.

I suspect the king might have already done the DNA without the Son’s knowledge. He just wants to make it proper now through the correct channels.

This reminds me when I got pressured by my fiance torwards our kids, we had to test. Since he was unfaithful to us, & the woman she with said how sure he is that my kids are his. 99.9% belonged to him after testing. It killed our relationship & I never wanted to with the wedding.

King Buyelekhaya DNA tests It is indeed within his rights. I support his move on this. Let him lineup all the children for verification and peace of mind going forward.

Didn’t DNA tests already prove Azenathi is not his biological son?

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