
Grants: If you haven’t received your August and September grant this is for you

The payments for relief fund was supposed to be paid on Tuesday the 8th of September, as SASSA stated so, after reshuffling the dates. In the beginning SASSA paid it’s beneficiaries double amout of 350R which comes to total of 700, this was to reduce the number of potential appeals in the post office and will also cushion the affected beneficiaries against the current impact of the lockdown.

Let me enlight you, the payments for June and July have started with transfers into the bank accounts of those who have bank accounts. Payments for those who receive their money through the post office was done progressively throughout the month, to try and limit the numbers of people at the post offices on a daily basis to reduce the spread of corona virus.

Beneficiaries are reminded that they should only visit the post office once they have received an SMS saying their money has been paid in and is ready for collection. The thing here is an amount for two months September and August is still pending to many beneficiaries but never panic your money is still there and there’s a possibility that you might receive double the 350 just like last July and June.

Beneficiaries are advised to stay calm while they process those payments, if you have applied and you haven’t received anything nor sms you can contact them via their websites or WhatsApp them at (+27 82 046 8553) Many people made an appeal and they got approved because they’re also not working and they don’t have any income. Stay safe and expect messages from SASSA.

Source: Opera


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