
Laodsheding nightmare: Gas Explosion Kills Husband, Wife and Daughter Hospitalized

A gas explosion kills the husband and sends the wife and daughter to the hospital.

A tragic incident occurred in Shaanti Crescent, Gatesville, as a suspected gas tank explosion led to a devastating fire that claimed the life of Ahmed du Plessis, a well-known dental technician.

The 59-year-old suffered severe burn wounds and succumbed to his injuries.

His wife, aged 60, and their 21-year-old daughter were also injured in the incident and are currently receiving treatment at Gatesville Medical Centre.

Fowzia Veerasamy, the chairperson of the Gatesville Neighbourhood Watch, provided details of the incident, stating that Ahmed du Plessis worked as a dental technician from his home.

It is believed that a gas tank explosion occurred within the house, triggering the blaze that engulfed the property.

Neighbors, including Milan Prag, woke up to the sound of crackling and witnessed the house on fire. They attempted to mitigate the flames by retrieving hoses to extinguish the blaze but were unable to save Ahmed’s life.

The City’s fire and rescue services responded to the incident and managed to contain and extinguish the fire.

Unfortunately, one man lost his life, and two women sustained serious injuries. The exact cause of the fire is yet to be determined, and the South African Police Service (SAPS) has taken over the investigation.

Wesley Twigg, a spokesperson for the police, confirmed that an inquest has been registered, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Family members affected by the incident were not ready to speak to the media at the time of the report.

In light of this tragic event, community members are urged to exercise caution when using gas tanks, particularly during the cold season when electricity and gas usage tend to be high. – DailyVoice


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