
Foreigners Arrested in Cross-Border Bus Terminal Raid Led by Johannesburg MMC

Foreigners fled for their lives after the PA boss arrested 14 of them with armed Home Affairs officers.

In a joint operation, the MMC for transport in the city of Johannesburg, Kenny Kunene, along with officers from the Johannesburg Metro Police Department and officials from the Department of Home Affairs, raided cross-border bus terminals in search of illegal foreign workers who didn’t have the right papers.

Fourteen people were arrested during the operation, and four buses that didn’t follow the rules were impounded.

Kunene commended the team for their efforts and expressed gratitude to the Home Affairs officials and the Cross-border Road Transport Inspectorate for their collaboration.

The raid forms part of the city’s broader initiative to combat illegal immigration and ensure the safety and security of cross-border bus travel.

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Reactions to the raid have been mixed, with some applauding the city’s action against illegal immigration while others criticize it as heavy-handed and discriminatory.

Kunene defended the raid, emphasizing its necessity in safeguarding the city from crime and upholding the law. He reiterated the city’s commitment to tackling illegal immigration and warned of prosecutions for businesses employing illegal foreigners.

This raid is the latest in a series of measures taken by Johannesburg to address illegal immigration, including raising awareness about its risks and encouraging reporting of illegal immigrants.

While some welcome the city’s efforts, others argue that more needs to be done to address the underlying causes of illegal immigration, such as poverty and unemployment.


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