
PICS | Tongaat Man Fights for Justice After Acid Attack by Girlfriend

Girlfriend Allegedly Turned Boyfriend Into A Monster After Raining Him With Acid

Phakamani Sibiya, a resident of Tongaat in KwaZulu-Natal, remains haunted by the harrowing ordeal of an acid attack perpetrated by his girlfriend, Lethiwe Princess Mthimkhulu, in April 2022.

This tragic incident has left Sibiya grappling with both physical scars and emotional trauma, as he continues his quest for justice and healing.

In a recent interview, Sibiya expressed his shock and bewilderment at the unprovoked attack, asserting his innocence in any wrongdoing towards Mthimkhulu.

Despite his pleas for an explanation, Mthimkhulu offered no justification for her actions, leaving Sibiya to ponder the motives behind the brutal assault and yearn for accountability.

The lenient treatment of Mthimkhulu, who spent a mere two days in jail before being released on bail, has sparked outrage within the community.

Many view this as a stark example of the legal system failing to address the severity of acid attacks and failing to hold perpetrators accountable.

It underscores broader concerns about the efficacy of addressing gender-based violence and safeguarding victims’ rights.


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